Healthy Palmetto Priority Area Videos

Video production may not initially come to mind when thinking of 1000 Feathers. But video production is a vital tool when trying to tell a story, and helping organizations and collaboratives better tell their story is something we are known for. Over the past year, we have been working —in partnership with Seth Media - on a video series for Healthy Palmetto. Together, we’ve crafted five videos, each highlighting an important priority area that Healthy Palmetto is focusing on to improve the health and well-being of South Carolinians.

As the state coalition that collectively addresses healthy eating and active living, Healthy Palmetto envisions a South Carolina where the quality of life is a priority, and everyone has an equitable opportunity to thrive. They’ve zeroed in on priority areas that need attention, and it’s been our goal at 1000 Feathers to bring these efforts to the forefront. Through this collection of videos, we’re showcasing the expertise of Healthy Palmetto's partners and bringing greater awareness to important issues.

Beyond video production, we have actively engaged with Healthy Palmetto to revolutionize the way the collaborative is perceived and utilized in South Carolina. So, as you watch these videos, remember they’re more than just content—they’re conversation starters and a call to join us in this movement toward a healthier, more vibrant South Carolina.

South Carolina's Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)

WIC has a proven track record of safeguarding the health of low-income women, infants, and children under age 5 who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets; information on healthy eating, including breastfeeding promotion and support; and referrals to health care. Expanding the awareness of the benefits and services of South Carolina's WIC program is one of six priority areas for Healthy Palmetto, a statewide collaborative focused on healthy eating and active living.

Increasing Senior Enrollment in SNAP

Many older South Carolinians who are eligible for SNAP don’t take advantage of the nutrition assistance program. Increased enrollment in SNAP would mean fewer seniors live with poverty and food insecurity. Food insecurity increases the risk of poor health, complicates people’s ability to manage illness, and is linked to higher health care costs. Supporting the SC Department on Aging and SC Thrive to increase enrollment of eligible older adults in SNAP is one of six priority areas of Healthy Palmetto, a statewide collaborative focused on healthy eating and active living.

Healthy Food Access in South Carolina

The SC Food Policy Council (SCFPC) is advancing the production and consumption of healthy foods in South Carolina through education and strategic policy planning. SCFPC serves as a forum for members to share their concerns and progress on programs and initiatives concerning the food system in South Carolina and collaborate on making improvements. Supporting the work of SCFPC is one of six priority areas for Healthy Palmetto, a statewide collaborative focused on healthy eating and active living.

Trail Connectivity in South Carolina

The SC Trails Coalition is establishing a statewide trails community and a framework for mapping all the existing trails in the state. The organization is also creating a plan for connecting and maintaining trails and building new ones; advocating for the increased use of trails through programming and public outreach; and breaking down barriers so trails are accessible to all South Carolinians. Supporting the work of the SC Trails Coalition is one of six priority areas for Healthy Palmetto, a statewide collaborative focused on healthy eating and active living.

SC FitnessGram

SC FitnessGram is an initiative to improve student health by enhancing physical education and creating more opportunities for physical activity before, during, and after school.


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