Four Ways to Stretch Yourself
At the beginning of a new year, there are always plenty of lists to go around – resolutions, commitments, maybe you’re even setting some stretch goals. Whatever you choose to call them, too often, they don’t stick. So, why am I writing out yet another new list for you to consider? Because it comes with a different frame of reference.
Webster defines a New Year’s resolution as “a promise to do something different in the new year.” I like to revisit that definition as a reminder to not overcommit or overpromise… we’re just talking about doing something a little differently. So, consider these four ways you can spend your time differently. As we enter a new year, can you devote just 22 minutes to each of the following four things? If you can find the time for even a few of them, you’re on the path to stretching yourself in ways you never thought possible. These small shifts can add up to a big change.
Spend 22 minutes learning: Stretch your horizons. Read something. Learn something. I’m not picky about what or how you should read, although I’d suggest non-fiction and staying away from Facebook. Grab a book, a magazine, your Kindle, or that article you printed out three months ago and haven’t gotten to. Turn on a podcast or start a new audiobook. It doesn’t matter what; commit to finding the time to read and learn every single day.
Push through 22 minutes of exercise: Stretch your lungs. Go for a walk, go to the gym, or get on that dusty exercise bike or treadmill. If Peloton is your thing, a few of us have started riding together in a #1000Feathers group—come join! But don’t make this too complicated; you don’t need a new gym membership or some fancy equipment, just get up from your desk (or couch) and get going. Commit to finding time to move.
Get down on the floor for 22 minutes: Seriously. Take the time to stretch your body. I’ll admit that this is something I rarely did until the past year or so, and it’s hard to explain how much of a difference it has made in my physical and mental health. There are plenty of stretching and yoga apps that can provide some direction here if you need it. You might be thinking, “I’ll just combine #2 and #3 into 45 minutes of exercise,” but trust me, these are not the same thing. Just try it.
Find a quiet spot for 22 minutes. Stretch your mind. No TV, no radio, no barking dogs, no kids… just you. Wait, isn’t that what we did in #1? Not exactly. When we read, we’re spending time with someone else’s thoughts, but I’m pushing you to spend time with *your* thoughts. Pray if that’s your thing. Meditate if you are able. Admittedly, I don’t do either of these things particularly well or often, so this is the time I reach for my journal or a notebook. Whatever your preference, turn off the distractions and turn on your mind.
I’m not suggesting you should *only* do 22 minutes of these things, but I’m conscious that for some of you, this may seem like a lot of time. On the chance you’re starting from zero, 22 minutes a day in any of these areas would be a big accomplishment.
It’s also true that for some, I find I do significantly more than 22 minutes in a day. For others, I have to literally set a timer and push through. In total, this list requires just short of 1.5 hours of your time. But if you think of it as reallocating a few minutes here and there (i.e., stop scrolling through social media) rather than having to “find time,” I promise you’ll be on your way to stretching yourself in 2022!
Written By: Forrest Alton, President, 1000 Feathers